A short introduction about Liebster Blog Award: 'Liebster' is German for 'dearest'. The award is a 'share-the-love' arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers
1) Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
2) Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3) Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4) Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserves to be noticed.
5) Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog
A million thanks to my blog friends Leanne from Finding my Groove and Sweet from Sweetland Paper Treats. They are two AMAZING, I mean REEEEAAALLLY AMAZING and SO CREATIVE. Hugs to you both.
It wasn't easy but here are my 5 picks for this award.
1) Colleen 4hawaiianmonkeys.blogspot.com
2) Tammi tropicaldreams-17.blogspot.com
3) Linda lifeofagirliegirl.blogspot.com
4) Rachel loveandsushi.blogspot.com
5) Jo mycraftingcorner-jo.blogspot.com
Hop over to their blogs and see their awesome creations. You'll be inspired.
Thanks again Leanne and Sweet. I really appreciate it.
Big Hugs,
Thank you!!! I'm chuffed to bits and will display it proudly on my blog!
Jo x
double is nice! you deserve it! ;)
Cngrats! You deserve it!
Congrats and thanks so much in return, so sweet of you! I don't display awards on my blog but I sure do appreciate the kind thought, hugs! :)
Congrats for winning the award. You deserve it for having such an awesome blog. Thank again from the bottom of my heart for choosing my blog as one of the ones to receive award. I feel so honored.
Congrats and thank you so much for showing me some love...
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